Seek and you shall find.
Knock and the door shall be
Opened unto you.
Matthew 7:7
New Y E A R, new H O M E, new S T A T E,
new S C H O O L, new F R I E N D S, new EVERYTHING
So many doors opened for our family...Happy 2016 indeed!
Thank you to our new friends, the Park family, for taking us in on New Years Eve (chaos at our new home, barely in 48 hrs, boxes everyone, food scarce!) We so enjoyed the company and food, cheers to new friends and new memories. How many times have you ever sang "Happy New Year" to the tune of "Happy Birthday" and blown out a candle on a clock cake? The littles will not forget that happy moment! Cannot believe they ALL made it to the count down in Times Square and watched the ball drop! Wow! Good night everyone...
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