Sunday, December 29, 2013

8 Months Old Luke!

Where to begin...8 months has been the most challenging month so far! Luke cut both bottom teeth the week of Christmas, started to crawl (crab style like Hannah did), and pulls up to his knees. All day long he is either fussing over teeth, or frustrated over not being able to move or walk. Restless at night, he wakes up all night long...sore muscles, growing pains, and teething pains all at once! Luke has been a great sleeper up until now...hopefully we will find our way back to better sleep and adjust to the changes. Size 4 diapers, and just barely in 6-12 mth clothes, Luke is a big boy! Has a big appetite and loves ALL veggies, fruits, puffs - he is doing great with a sippy cup (still working on it), and can drink out of a regular cup too! He loves play time on the floor, walking in his walker, jumping in his stand up exersaucer, and being carried in the Baby Bjorn. He loves our cell phones and ipads and remotes...sigh, gonna be trouble! He does sit well in his high chair - although he may outgrow it quickly and get moved to a booster seat at the table. Luke still "sings" himself to sleep, copies any noise or sound Hannah makes, and can get quite loud too!

So many changes this month - time is flying by! Proud of you Luke, keep learning, growing, smiling, crawling, playing, eating, and laughing! And work on sleeping a little bit more too!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Luke's First Christmas

I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour,
Which is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2: 10 & 11

After attending Christmas Eve mass with Carla & Daniel, we all headed back to our house for a delicious meal of chicken tortilla soup and tamales, and of course opening our Christmas pj's - a family Christmas tradition. Lots of love to Carla & Daniel, enjoyed our evening with you so much! We all headed to bed early, but Hannah made sure to set out a plate of treats for Santa!

On Christmas morning the kids woke up to lots of surprises from Santa, stockings filled with treats, and lots of presents from Texas from Nana & Papa! Christmas was just not the same without them...we miss you and love you both so much! Hannah absolutely loved her Princess Castle (thx Nana & Papa), and immediately put on her Princess Aurora gown! Luke just liked the paper and bows, but loved watching his big sister open everything!

It was hard convince Hannah to leave...but we managed and left all our toys & gifts (and quite a mess too!) to head to my in-laws to open gifts and eat lunch. Hannah loved her Princess Candyland game, and once again Luke liked the paper & bows! Mike's Aunt Tricia gave Hannah her very own camera, which she absolutely loved and wouldn't put it down the entire time we were there! Thanks so much to Grandma & Granddad Pillsbury for our lovely gifts!

Our day was not over yet! We then headed over to the Town home to have Christmas dinner & exchange gifts! Gracelyn & Hannah were soooooo silly & both were just so excited for all the toys & Christmas gifts, it was hard to get them settled down! What sweet God-sisters, they loved sitting at their own table to eat, they kept saying "Cheers"! Thanks for a delicious dinner & wonderful evening Jay & Dana, Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Card 2013

Merry, merry, merry Christmas from our family to yours!!!

(Yes, we had 3 versions of our family card this year...I didn't order enough, the first card was too pricey to order more, then couldn't re-order less than 50 of the second card, finally ended up making up another version! phew!)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Baking

Oh how I love holiday baking!!! A tradition I LOVE passing on to my daughter & son, family baking tops my list as one of my absolute favorite things to do as Christmas draws near (as well as listening to Christmas music and watching holiday movies!) This year we made homemade granola, gingerbread bears, sand tarts and oatmeal M&M cookies. I tried to choose the most kid-friendly and hands on goodies...Hannah is a fabulous little helper! She is really getting good at measuring, organizing, and almost all other baking needs! Together we rolled all the gingerbread bears parts & assembled them on the trays, Hannah also rolled all the sand tarts in powered sugar to finish them off!

Luke liked chewing on spatulas and watching us while he played, he will be able to help out more next year. Carla brought over her mixer & together we made good use of our time - baking with two little ones was quite enjoyable thanks to our pre-planning & organization! the smell of holiday baking in my kitchen - and love the sweet treats even more! Happy holiday baking & eating everyone!