Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day at the SA Zoo

"I will go into the zoo.
I want to see it.
Yes I do."

Dr. Seuess - Put Me in the Zoo

SA Zoo is a wonderful zoo...maybe it is because of all the memories I have as a child going there? Or maybe just because it is a fabulous zoo? Or both! Definitely a perfect afternoon spent with the kids & my parents, strolling through the shady paths, making new memories at the zoo!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

12 Months Old Luke!

How did this happen? One year gone by so quickly! A year of so many firsts for our baby boy, trying to keep up with all of them is hard! Walking, running, kicking, tumbling keep our physical little one keeps busy all day along with constant babbling (mama, mas (for more), ah-mah (Hannah), bawl (ball), bye, and simply "bah" for many many things are the most popular words right now...waving bye-bye, high fives, "kisses" (slobbery open mouth smooch on your cheek)and snuggles are also some of Luke's favorite things to do. Since he started walking, he has trimmed down and his sizes are catching up a little, mostly wearing 12-18 mth and some 18 mth clothes - tall and lean like his sister he is in the 75% for height , 25-50% for weight (22 lbs) and 90% for head! Lukey often "sings" or babbles himself to sleep for naps and bedtime, loves playing/being outside, always crosses his little feet (stroller, high chair etc.), follows his sister everywhere & wants to play and do everything she is doing!

Luke is a VERY good eater and will try anything and everything we offer - loves bananas, pears, apples, avocado, green beans, peas, carrots, yogurt, all bread types, still not crazy about milk but we are working on it! He will eat any combo of fruit/veggie squeeze pouches, likes goldfish/crackers, LOVES watermelon, LOVES beans, drinks well from any sippy cup, straw, or regular cup with help and has started to self feed with a spoon simple things like mashed potatoes or risotto or mac'n'cheese. Always a bruise, or a scrape, or some sort of battle scar is visible at all times and I have lost count of the many times he has a busted lip - his six teeth (4 upper, 2 lower) have survived his spills so far - hallelujah! Luke still naps twice a day and goes to bed around 8pm waking up anytime from 6:30am to 7:30/8am. He is very his play and in his voice! Toys are constantly falling, and being tossed or thrown followed by squeals and whines/cries when things go awry all day long, every day...Luke plays so hard! Exhausting & oh so loveable, our Lukey keeps us on our toes, such a sweet sweet baby boy!

Luke is ONE today

Due to some bad weather in AL (Tornado Warnings/Severe T'Storms) we opted to change our flights and remained in TX for Luke's actual birthday. Hannah helped choose Luke's birthday dinner of green beans, risotto, and lamb chops (one of her favorite dinners) & choose some delicious mini cupcakes from Whole Foods for dessert! Birthday boy enjoyed a great day of eating & playing outside - two of his favorite things to do! Happy birthday baby boy!

Luke enjoyed his dessert...pretty funny watching him devour it and then look up for more!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

1st Hair Cuts!!

Luke & Hannah had their first haircuts together! Jashime has been our family hair stylist for years, he was so honored to cut the kids hair for the first time while we were in SA. Both of them did amazing! (To be honest, I was really only worried about Luke...)

I was VERY concerned that when we did cut Hannah's hair she would loose her curls but I am happy to report that even though we loved how beautiful her hair looked after Jashime styled it, she still has her beautiful curls! Thanks Jashime - see you again soon!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Ranch Day Trip

After our bluebonnets & BBQ...we headed to the ranch via the small Llano airport - my Uncle Joey owns, flies, & restores planes so on a perfect flying day of course we stopped by! The blue plane in the hanger is a work in progress and we enjoyed checking it out! Mike did get to fly in one of the operational planes with my uncle - they did a few pretty cool fly overs so we could see them from the ranch house - exciting for Mike, he even got the controls for a bit! Spent the rest of the day relaxing, driving around the ranch feeding various animals (Longhorn cows by far the favorite!) and playing on the porch taking in the view. Thanks for a great day Aunt Carla & Uncle Joey! We love being at the ranch - see you this summer!

Bluebonnets & BBQ

"I'll be coming home soon
Beneath the wide open skies
Where the bluebonnets bloom..."

Robert Earl Keen

Every Texan knows that Spring means bluebonnets and to my delight we found this patch on our way to Llano! So very thankful for the beautiful bluebonnets and mini photo shoot! It is only fitting that Texas BBQ followed our bluebonnet moment...Cooper's is one of, if not the best place for BBQ in Texas! (Much love to Rudy's but you have got to get yourself to Cooper's, the original one of course is best!) Unbelievably this was Mike's first time (Luke went last summer!) and as we sat down to eat I quote my husband, "This is the best BBQ I have EVER eaten." Gosh I miss you Texas! Off to the ranch now...