Friday, October 31, 2014

Throwback Halloween...

Hannah's 1st Halloween back in is she almost 5!?!?!

Halloween NIGHT

Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat!
Give us something sweet to eat,
Cookies, chocolate, jelly beans,
Happy Happy Halloween!

My beautiful fairy princess Hannah...

My rascally little puppy dog Luke...

A long day already...the troops rallied when reinforcements arrived (hooray for Carla & Daniel!) and got a second wind just in time for costumes, dinner, and more pictures. Ahhhh, the memories, our photo session had its ups and downs, smiles and frowns, and we may have only trick-or-treated at a handful of houses before heading to the neighbors house seeking warmth & shelter, yet Halloween 2014 marks the first (I hope) of many more crazy cousin filled nights! Lukey absolutely LOVED his costume, and happily "woof woof woofed" when asked what a doggie says, Hannah was tired & still weak from her cold poor thing, she did her best to keep up and of course cheered up at the end of the night with all the treats! Little Olivia looked adorable in Hannah's strawberry costume, but it didn't last long, she got fussy and hot shortly after photos and had to be changed, fed and put to bed! My little pumpkins didn't last long either and were in jammies around 8 o'clock...after checking out their treat bags of course!

Happy Halloween - nighty night!

Halloween DAY

Dear Great Pumpkin,
I look forward to your arrival on Halloween night. I hope you will bring me lots of presents.
-Linus van Pelt, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

I do love the old school Charlie Brown Halloween special, I do love candy, especially chocolate I was pretty bummed when we missed the special, and our weather was awful (rainy & cold) so that meant less candy from trick-or-treating! Our day started out well, I had activities planned and had a day of cooking/baking scheduled. Hannah was home from school still recovering from a cold, and Lukey & Olivia just wanted to play, nevertheless, we had a mini photo shoot with the cousins, play date with BFF Julia to paint pumpkins, Hannah and I made Hootie Owl Oreo cupcakes, & I made potato soup and a Dr. Pepper pulled pork in the crock pot (Thanks Pioneer Woman!) Worn out by the late afternoon...I had to rally for trick-or-treating and costumes!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

18 Months Old Luke!

Growing up FAST...I just want to savor his littleness, but who has the time!? Tall and thin, our Luke is in the 90% for height, and 50% for weight (25lbs), still wearing 12-18/18-24 month clothes, size 4 diapers, and 5.5-6 shoe size. Smiley and full of hugs & kisses, Luke is talking a lot more now, saying more actual words. Eh-mo (Elmo), ah-puul (apple), ot-dog (hotdog) from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song, Lah-lah (Olivia) or my sis Carla we can't tell exactly. Those are the newest, mama is the most frequently used word everyday, followed by any word that describes food or a snack! His favorite meals are definitely chicken nuggets of any kind, spaghetti bolognese, hamburgers, and FRUIT!!! Loves fruit more than anything right now, along with scrambled eggs, his new favorite breakfast item. Loves pizza...and yogurt, raisins, craisins are a favorite snack. Almost any noodle dish he loves, even just plain noodles with butter and fresh Parmesan, or homemade mac'n'cheese (Hannah's fav too). Luke loves to brush his teeth, bathtime, playing outside, running, & coloring with his sister. What a sweet little boy he is growing up to be!