Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Last days of Kindergarten!

I just don't know how it happened, but Kindergarten 2015/2016 is over. What a whirlwind year it was filled with sweet memories, friends, teachers, and even rascally little brothers! Hats off to Mrs. Champion and Mrs. Ball, Hannah had such a wonderful year, and learned so much too. I am so happy we found our Holy Family family, looking forward to next year everyone! HAPPY SUMMER!

Crazy rain on our last day! Crazy little brothers at the All School Assembly and Prayer Service too!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Go Irish 'Horns!

Good friend of ours, Godfather to the kids, and ND Alum Jay Town, came to visit us and see some of Austin! We showed him as much as we could in 48 hours, fed him Mexican food, took him to our favorite pizza place, and visited UT where Luke showed love to the 'Horns and to the Irish! HA! Miss you Towns! See you this summer!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Olivia's First Trip to Austin

What a great weekend we had while Olivia visited! After all of the weekend parties, Sunday was a nice family day, thank you to Mike for grilling out ribs! I think everyone loved it...

I love this picture, for all of the blurry, chaotic, wonderfulness it possess! It was also my attempt at a group shot, HA!

We enjoyed taking Olivia to some of our favorite places including a huge playground we love, lunch at one of our favorite places called Hat Creek, wading at Blue Hole swimming hole, visiting the Austin Aquarium, and enjoying pool time! Loved the extra days you spent with us! See you next week in SA!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Just a little sprinkle...

After a quick change, we were ready for the sprinkle! As I mentioned before, my Aunt Carla came to our house earlier in the week to help me prepare for the two parties, and I think we did an amazing job!

Homemade cheesecakes, mini bundt cakes, and delicious gourmet popcorn were big hits! Hummus, chicken salad, cheese board and dips made for a very tasty feast! Lots of family and friends gathered to celebrate with Carla, bringing lots of gifts for her baby boy due at the end of August. A nice relaxing afternoon spent together, thanks to everyone who drove from far to near, so wonderful to see and visit with everyone! Olivia had a great time eating, opening gifts and playing with her cousins. Hannah did a great job being a mini hostess at the party, and sharing her party day with her Aunt Carla! Blessed to have such a great family...cheers to Carla and baby boy, cannot wait to meet him!