Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Beach

The scent of the WATER,
The sound of the SEA,
Make me ever so HAPPY,
Just to be ME!

We were so blessed this Easter with a family trip to the beach! Our last trip before welcoming our baby boy proved to be relaxing, enjoyable and quite memorable! With beautiful sunny weather we definitely enjoyed our time outside - beach, crawfish/oyster bake, Easter egg hunt, pool, more beach and simply enjoying the sunset with good friends on their dock!

Easter Sunday was extra special too - waking up to beautiful weather, mass with friends, brunch on the water and a stay at a fabulous beach hotel! Who could ask for anything more? Easter at the beach is a tradition I can get used too!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
John 3:16

Our hotel was beautiful - we would recommend it to anyone traveling to Pensacola Beach, FL. Gorgeous inside and out, with an amazing pool deck over-looking the private beach! Hannah and I dined on "cheeseburgers in paradise" for dinner (Mike opted for wings) and we soaked in the sun for the next couple of days! Cheers! and Thank You! to all who made our trip so wonderful...I think you know who you are! Love you!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Princess Party

Hannah's favorite playmate and friend Julia turned THREE this weekend and we happily walked over to the party! (They live next door, how great is that?) The weather was absolutely beautiful last weekend and it was a huge bummer that the kids didn't get the chance to be outside! Nevertheless... toys + cake + pizza is usually a hit with little party people and they sure did have fun! I think Hannah and Julia dressed up as every princess possible - they LOVE their princess dresses and accessories - too bad I did a terrible job taking pics! Who wouldn't have fun with cheese puffs, jelly beans, marshmallows AND chocolate/vanilla birthday cake to choose from?!?!

Happy 3rd Birthday Julia - Love, Hannie.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Gracelyn is TWO!

We had a fun weekend celebrating our goddaughter's 2nd birthday...the girls were ready for the party and as soon as they saw the table set they happily sat down, Gracelyn saying "party!" and Hannah singing "Happy Birthday to You!"

Opening presents and eating cake are the highlight of most parties, and the girls enjoyed both - although Gracelyn was not too sure about her Minnie Mouse cake at first! Luckily she recovered and decided it was OK to eat! YUMMY! Gotta love black icing! Girls had a blast playing with all the new toys and the adults enjoyed some R&R (we stayed at their family farm house in TN) - love you guys! Thanks for a great weekend!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Gracelyn,
Happy 2nd Birthday to you!