Sunday, June 29, 2014

14 Months Old Luke!

Happy, happy, busy, busy boy! Always on the go - chattering away, trying to keep up with Hannah. Luke's favorite words are "out" or "outs" for outside, "bawl" for ball, "this" & "bye" along with Mamamamama! Snugly boy, he loves hugs and kisses, but unfortunately he also pulls hair and sometimes bites! Loves meal time & snack time and is drinking more and more milk, hooray! Books like Little Blue Truck, Good Night Moon, The Very Hungry Caterpillar...are some favorites - he loves to get books off his book shelf and bring them to you, then he backs up into your lap! He is always up to mischief...lately climbing has been his go to! Oh, and he will steal any food or drink within reach - no sippy cup is safe!

LOVES to play outside...absolutely loves it. When anyone says anything about going out or leaving he grabs his shoes and heads to the door!!! Luke definitely enjoys running and playing - but who wouldn't want this sweet ride?! Love you Lukey!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Weekend with the Larry's!

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air..."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Have I mentioned my love for the beach before, or the fact that my kids share the same love? Had an absolutely fabulous long weekend with our friends the Larry's (our nickname for our friends the Lawrence family) in FL. Spent some quality time at the beach in the warm sunshine, with toes in the sand! Luke absolutely loved it. LOVED it. That little man sat right down and started shoveling sand into his bucket, loving every minute of it! Hannah kept busy too, building castles and swimming in the water! We did stay mostly on the sound side, so no big waves just clear shallow water, nicknamed Baby Beach. We come so often, we do as the locals do!

Ate ridiculously well, our foodie friends always have something incredible to share...pancetta grilled oysters? CK. ANY grilled oysters? CK. Tons of delicious food on the grill poolside? CK. Not to mention meals at our favorite dives Peg Leg Pete's, Surf Burger and no trip is complete without a Bushwacker or Wadka (must have adult beverages at the beach)! Shout out to the the Reilly's for Sat night - love you guys and had a blast swimming, eating, drinking, and relaxing at your casa! Hope to see all of y'all again very soon!

Monday, June 16, 2014

My little swimmer!

Hannah began long overdue swim lessons this week...and was so much braver than I thought! She did a great job following directions and by day TWO had her face in the water! Way to go Hannah! Cannot wait to see how much better you get during round two of lessons later on in the summer!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Mayhem Sweet Mayhem

Bless his sweet little heart...

Monday, June 9, 2014


Spent another great weekend with the our good friends, the Smith family! So much fun getting together, and always so many things to do! This trip, we ate our traditional Friday night Wing Ranch (the yummiest wings & fries ever!) and spent a leisurely evening at the house playing Cards Against Humanity and catching up while the kiddos slept! Off to the zoo on Sat morning - what a perfect day! I know the kids do not look happy in the picture...but they were excited! The forecast called for rain and I guess most people stayed away so the zoo wasn't even crowded...which was great bc we traveled big with our double strollers!

Kids loved feeding the birds, giraffes & elephants were favs, along with the orangutans & sleepy lions, and pandas too! I LOVED the gorillas, could have watched them all afternoon. Just amazing to see them with their babies & families! Hannah's favorite animals were the giraffes and favorite part of the zoo was the carousel & train ride (with just the girls, although Emmie disagrees!) I LOVE the excitement & pure delight in Hannah's face as she is riding!!!

The adults enjoyed a night out Sat night - delicious food, drinks & company! Enjoyed some before dinner snacks & drinks at Southern Art & Bourbon Bar at the Intercontinental Hotel, and dinner at 1 fav had to be the truffle popcorn snack, candied nuts & homemade chips that we had with drinks...Mike's was his bourbon flight & the charcuterie board! Top night! Thanks again to our hosts Christina & Luke!