Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thanks Mom!

As a mother comforts her child, so I comfort you..." Isa 66:13"

There aren't too many words other than a simple thank you for everything my mom does! I could not have imagined anyone else but her guiding me through those first weeks with my new daughter. There is just something about mothers and daughters that is so very special - I cannot wait to pass everything I learned and grew up with to my own daughter! Thanks for staying with us mom...we miss you and love you very much!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy 1st Father's Day!

What a very special Sunday...Mike celebrated his 1st Father's Day! Hannah, with Momma's help of course, had lots of fun surprises for Daddy!

Check out Hannah's new rattle! Goooooaaal! Now she can cheer with Daddy while watching World Cup Soccer! She can even hold onto it herself!

Hannah also gave her Daddy some special books - Counting Kisses, and Daddy Hugs!

Mommy gave Daddy some very special cuff links that have tiny footprints and my birthday, weight, and height engraved on them. Now when Daddy wear's them, he will always remember the day I was born!

Love to see my baby girl soooo happy with her Daddy! Love you both so much! Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

1 Month Old!

Today, Hannah is one month old and I cannot believe it! Every day has its many challenges, and trying to establish a routine is near impossible (although I keep trying!) but thankfully there are plenty of sweet moments to cherish!

Current likes and dislikes:
Sitting up in her boppy seat
Hootie owl
To be burped
Rocking with Mama
Tummy time - She is sooo strong! She can pick up her head and turn it from one side to the other on her own and she can also roll from her back to her side! Wow!

Naptime (she fights every nap!)
When she has gas (it makes us laugh though!)
Being swaddled - she is way too active!

So in love with Hannah's new chubby cheeks! Eating is very much her favorite activity...can't you tell!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Announcing Hannah!

Good pictures are hard to come by! Lucky for Hannah, her Aunt Carla is a FABULOUS photographer and has taken countless photos of her precious niece - including the two we used for her birth announcements. Everyone thinks their baby is always the most beautiful but I believe in Hannah's case...she really is!

Thank you so much Aunt Carla for capturing our angelic daughter's sweet face. Love you so much...and Hannah does too!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hannah's Third Week!

These are two of mommy and daddy's favorite pictures of me this week...

Besides enjoying bathtime - lots of new things have happened! Best of all I keep growing, smiling, and loving life! Here is an update on some of my new favorite activities!

I find my boppy seat very comfy - here I am taking my first little siesta...so cozy!

Here I am "monkeying" around with daddy! I cannot wait until he gets home every night - we have so much fun playing together!

I am getting so strong! Tummy time is so much fun...yet exhausting!

I also love being in my swing! Sometimes I even take my afternoon nap in my comfy swing!

Every week I keep changing and learning...and with every new milestone mommy and daddy fall in love with me and each other more and more! I am such a lucky baby!