Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hannah's Ice Cream Park Party

On a cloudy, rainy, and cool May afternoon (what is up with the weather???) we celebrated Hannah's 4th birthday! After watching it pour down rain all morning...we actually ended up postponing the party until 3pm so the rain would end and the park could dry out a bit. Luckily the plan worked - hooray! Thanks to everyone who did a NO rain dance for us :-) Hannah invited her preschool class as well as friends and neighbors to her party this year - her first BIG party!

After letting the kids play for a little bit...the ICE CREAM TRUCK drove up! Lots of screaming for ice cream occurred and all the kids & adults enjoyed their sweet treats! SOOO fun to see how happy a simple little ice cream truck can make everyone!

Ice cream is delicious, but you just can't have a party without cake right? After a spirited happy birthday to you our little guests enjoyed cookie cake, watermelon and goldfish snacks...along with more playtime at the park! Hannah passed out ice cream bubbles to all of her friends and happily played all afternoon! Thanks to all who celebrated with us - we had one happy little birthday girl!

We opened presents at home after bathtime - can you guess her favorite gifts??? A big THANK YOU to all of our friends, neighbors and family who even with the crazy weather and time change came anyway to Hannah's birthday party!


  1. Great party idea! Love the ice cream truck!!

  2. Thanks! I would like to take credit for the idea but I borrowed the idea from a party we went to in Ft. Worth! Really easy to do - with lots of excitement for kids!
