Peek-a-boo, I see you! One of Luke's favorite games, along with pat-a-cake, and chase (he likes to run away from you & be chased)! Luke is happy, healthy, and full of energy. His laugh is contagious, his little smile adorable, and his snuggles and hugs are the BEST! His screeching cries from his booster seat, the all too often tossing of food, bowl, plate, & utensils to the floor, and his climbing (mostly chairs) needs work. He is saying more and more words, my favorite these days is "AAA-nnah" for Hannah, he loves to yell her name throughout the house! He certainly knows how to push your buttons...rascally little thing, always up to mischief! I am glad he is curious, but disciplining him is tricky! No doesn't mean no with him sometimes...and he pushes the limits - messing with the Christmas tree is the current daily battle (Obviously you can see how behind I am on posts with that information!) Luke eats all day long, he is never full!!! Fruits are still his favorite - but he will try most everything offered! He gets very mad when he cannot taste what everyone else is eating, especially Hannah's food, if she has it, he wants it too.
I am sure there are so many more things to write, I just cannot think of them at the moment! Still waiting on his incisors to arrive on top and bottom, and thankfully we have seen some improvement with him biting less. Whew! He LOVES to sing and dance, and I am proud to say sings back up on the All About the Bass song perfectly in tune...wa wa wa-ooo! "Ou-side" is still his favorite place to go, loves running, chasing the big kids, and kicking and throwing soccer or basketballs. Our little guy is on his way to be a lefty like his dad, he definitely favors his left hand when coloring, sometimes when eating, and uses both when playing outside. Luke loves his big sister, monkey see monkey do all day long...they are quite the pair! We all love our little Lukey so much!
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