Luke is growing, growing, growing...12 lbs 2 oz! I looked back in my records and found Hannah's stats: she was only 9 lbs 8 oz at 2 months - what a big boy we have! HAPPY is how I would describe Luke in one word. He is a smiley little guy, especially in the mornings. Luke wakes up happy & hungry - ready for whatever the day brings! While he does follow a pretty tight schedule - Luke is pretty much ok with any schedule changes. He happily naps in his car seat, stroller or sling and calmly takes a pacifier to wait out meals (not that long, but still nice!).
He adores his big sister! Luke follows her voice all day long, smiles at her when she talks to him, and doesn't seem to mind her tight "hugs", kisses and "pats" on the back (she loves to help burp him). He has been sleeping through the night for a couple of weeks (5+ hrs of sleep) hooray! and continues to be very alert and aware of his surrounding sounds & voices. Luke is tall! He is already wearing 3-6 month size clothes for the length - 75% percentile for height! We braved the neighboring Limestone County Health Department for his 2 month shots - our pediatricians office was closed the week he was eligible for shots and we wanted to receive them before our TX trip. Luke did awesome and came away with some pretty cool blue camo band-aides! Love my sweet boy so much!