Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hannah's Third Week!

These are two of mommy and daddy's favorite pictures of me this week...

Besides enjoying bathtime - lots of new things have happened! Best of all I keep growing, smiling, and loving life! Here is an update on some of my new favorite activities!

I find my boppy seat very comfy - here I am taking my first little cozy!

Here I am "monkeying" around with daddy! I cannot wait until he gets home every night - we have so much fun playing together!

I am getting so strong! Tummy time is so much fun...yet exhausting!

I also love being in my swing! Sometimes I even take my afternoon nap in my comfy swing!

Every week I keep changing and learning...and with every new milestone mommy and daddy fall in love with me and each other more and more! I am such a lucky baby!

1 comment:

  1. Good updates, man she is cute. I have to be honest though, based on the pictures tummy time doesn't look to be the least bit fun.....only exhausting.
