Take my word for it - the sign actually does say "17 Months!" This was a challenging photo shoot for our very active and precocious daughter! She has been busy developing a very sweet and funny little personality, testing her limits, and "talking" up a storm this month! Big teeth news - top and bottom molars, plus another bottom tooth, have all arrived! Still pushing milk (which isn't her favorite) but Hannah is a good eater and will try most everything we offer! Cheese, juice, applesauce on the go, goldfish and cheerios are top requests - as well as a new found love for "chips" which can be anything from Gerber cheese puffs to baked cheetos. (Yes, Hannah has plate envy and wants to eat what Mommy and Daddy are eating!) She loves shoes, both hers and ours, and is constantly finding shoes to put on and attempt to walk around in! Too cute!
Hannah is such a good little girl - well behaved most of the time, listens to simple directions, "cleans" up with mommy, plays well independently and with others, loves bathtime, calls out "nite nite" when she is tired and ready for naps and bedtime, waves, smiles, laughs, gives high fives, knuckles, hugs, leans in for cheek kisses, loves to call out for her mama and dada, (which is the best thing in the world to hear!) loves to "read" and be read to, still twirls her hair, loves to watch Sesame Street/Elmo, and is an amazing little dancer! She can say cheese, shoes, sox, ice, juice, hi, more, no, nite-nite, awa (water), papa (for my dad), uh-oh, nana (for banana), nak (for snack), roh-roh (for ruff-ruff like a dog), moo, duck, and probably a few more words that become more clear every day! Amazing to watch how she learns and problem solves, and figures out how to "make things work" as I tell her to do! Love our sweet baby so much and are so proud of the little girl she is becoming!
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