Whew! This monthflew by! We were so busy with birthday party's, traveling, and summer fun!
Hannah's summertime favorites:
bananas and applesauce (she loves those squeeze ones and can eat them on her own!)
cheese and yogurt, those baby cheese puffs for snacks!
Sesame Street (not the best attention span but she does dance to the music and pays attention to Abby and Elmo)
pool time
playing outside in the driveway
reading stories (she loves to pick out books and bring them to me all day long!)
stacking and emptying - taking on and off lids from everything!
pushing things around...chairs, stools, toys, cars, sooooo ready to walk!
talking - Hannah wakes up babbling and more words are becoming clearer! mama, dada, ah-done, more, up, yes/this, bah.
Not so much:
getting face wiped
brushing teeth (she still only has 6 teeth...)
sitting still (as you can see from her 14 month pics on the chair)
waiting for meals - she is grumpy when she is hungry!
We are still working on utensils and eating out of bowls and plates - she has dumped a few but we will get there! Overall Hannah is a happy little girl! We keep to a good schedule and routine everyday (naps are still one or two), loves to run errands with mama, is a good car rider, and is happy playing with other kids outside (she shares and takes turns pretty well so far!) We have definately enojoyed this month of summer!
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