Our sweet baby girl is almost a year old! Time has sure slipped by...this post is way overdue! Hannah is always on the move, constantly changing and growing before our eyes. Three and a half of her teeth (with two more on the way!) have appeared and her hair keeps growing - hooray! Hannah can clap her hands, "dance" on command, and is still a bit wobbly on two feet, but gets braver and stronger with each day! She loves food and will eat pretty much anything we present to her...avacado, fruits, chicken, cheerio's, tortillas, and all other bread items are still on top of the favorites list. She is doing great drinking from simple sippy cups and getting better at feeding herself with fingers and with her little utensils. Lots of babble and chatting... and actual words are beginning to become more distinct!
Hannah loves warm weather and playing outside is a favorite activity. She is so curious about everything around her and wants to touch and feel (and yes, sometimes taste) anything she comes across! She is definately showing signs of frustration when she can't quite complete something without help...she wants to do things on her own! Hannah is really into opening and closing things - whether it be doors, drawers, or small jars with lids. She loves to play with blocks and is very good at stacking! Her current record is five - and she cheers for herself as she stacks! She likes to hand things to me when asked...however, she sometimes takes the item back with a little smile!
Hannah is becoming such a beautiful little girl - not too much baby left at all! She is tall and slender and growing up quickly! How very lucky we are to watch her each day - such a happy little girl!
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