A little behind on posts...got my hands full! Between being sick, teething, cold weather not allowing us to play outside, a stomach bug, and oh yeah, the terrible two's have begun!!! - the pictures on this post (especially the first one) accurately portray life around here with an almost two year old little boy. Luke has turned into a crybaby, who doesn't want to share, takes everything away from his sister, screams if he doesn't have what Hannah has...oh boy, do we have our hands full! Patience is definitely a virtue around here, if you have any to spare send it my way! Luke wants to snack and eat all day, we have to make sure we keep the pantry door closed, thank goodness he cannot open the fridge - yet! When he wants to be, Luke is very sweet and loving, loves to dance & sing, push the baby doll strollers around the house, read stories on his bed (Little Blue Truck books still his fave, along with Very Busy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, Good Night Texas) Hannah likes to read him the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie books that she has memorized - very cute! Pretty good little sleeper, taking one afternoon nap and sleeping from 7:30 to 6:30/7 at nighttime.
Full of energy, and eager to copycat (which is both good and bad), Luke learns quickly - especially vocabulary. Right now he will almost always copy and learn a new word after you repeat a few times. "Purr-ple" is the color he says for everything, he likes to sing his ABCs and although it mostly sounds like mumbles, he can say a lot of the letters on their own. Luke does follow directions well, listens to simple instructions, but he is very rascally sometimes running away when he needs his diaper changed for example! He is so funny sometimes, and his giggle is contagious, just like his little grin! Love him so much, how is it possible my little baby is almost two? Keeps us all on our toes for sure!