What a little rascal! Luke is all over the place - curious about everything and anything he sees! We have to be quick to stop mayhem from getting into trouble...luckily Hannah is a good big sis who also tries to keep him out of trouble (sometimes)! Generally a happy guy, Lukey spends most of his day trying to keep up with big sis when she is home from preschool. He loves everything she does and wants all her toys...everyday...all day...so by the end of the day, Hannah is less willing to share, he is frustrated because he can't play, and everyone is tired! Luckily dinner and bath time come early (Luke in bath around 6:30pm) and bedtime follows! He plays hard and is always ready for bed time, waking up around 6:15/6:30am ready for more each morning!
Food is a big part of Luke's day. He loves to eat and is hungry all day long - this boy has an appetite! He still eats baby food, yet really wants to eat what we are eating, but I am cautious still with what I offer since he still only has four teeth (two on top, two on bottom)! So far Luke has tried and liked: chicken, noddles, rice, tortillas, waffles, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, avocado, bananas, pears, bread of any kind, (frozen mini bagels are great for teething!) yogurt, carrots, cheerios, puffs, water - he is getting good at drinking from a sippy cup, working on straws, good with regular cup that I hold. He eats B L D and has an afternoon snack, and is weaned to one morning and one evening feeding! Happy boy when his tummy is full :-)
Luke can open cabinets, pull up on just about anything (couches, tables, beds, dressers/nightstands, toilets, shelves) says Mama (started Valentine's day weekend) crawls at amazing speeds, loves to empty bowls, baskets, buckets and likes to put things back inside, loves blocks, and turning the pages of board books (Little Blue Truck books his fav) he does like Mickey Mouse and pays attention when Hannah is watching, dances to music of any kind, can wave and give high 5's! Luke makes many sounds, loud and quiet, sweet and screeching, and often "sings" himself to sleep with a medley of ahhhs and oohhh's and mmaaa's - pretty cute - we love to listen! He rubs his eyes and pulls at his hair when sleepy (a future twirler like his big sis?) and is one adorable baby boy!