So big! Hannah keeps growing and growing...our little girl is getting to be so tall! Aside from that, Hannah is mommy's little helper and loves to help with any daily tasks like laundry, making beds, cleaning up after a meal, picking up toys, and dusting. She still loves to play with her baby dolls, cook in her kitchen, and push around her grocery cart and stroller. Books are a big part of our day and Hannah knows her favorites! She loves her Elmo flip book, Good Night Texas, Mommy Hugs, Llama Llama, and still loves her bilingual book Eight Animals on the Town.
Hannah has a good routine and eats, sleeps, and plays well! Her naps are on the shorter end lasting about 1 hr (sometimes 1 1/2hr) but she sleeps well at night from about 7:30-8pm to 7:30-8am so I am not complaining! Sadly she doesn't want to rock so much anymore (small tear) and after books and prayers is ready to lay down by herself - so big! As for food, she eats the most and best at breakfast (my favorite meal of the day too) and does like her snacks in the morning and afternoon. Thank goodness she finally loves milk, although it sounds more like 'welk' when she asks for it, still loves cheese, meat, noodles, rice, ALL carbs, and bananas. Hannah will try most foods, but knows what to ask for too! She likes 'cake' aka homemade mini muffins, cookies, and CHOCOLATE! Luckily, mommy has a sweet tooth and we often have dessert together! She does eat those organic pouches of fruits and veggies like they are going out of style...most recently she tried and liked humus, my risotto, and grilled fish. She loves to be in the kitchen with me when I am cooking and I love that she is interested in helping!
Words are flying out of nowhere it seems! Most days if you say a word and ask her to repeat it, she will on command! I would be listing her words forever...but my current favorites are: gross, please, 'welk' (milk), hun-ee (honey), and knees. (Hannah loves her knees and singing 'Head, Shoulders, KNEES and Toes'). She loves the 'Clap, clap, clap your hands' song we sing at the library, Twinkle Twinkle, and loves to sing Adele and Miranda Lambert with mommy! We practice patience, manners, and good behavior daily (testing those boundries is in full force!) and limit our outings so that huge come aparts don't happen often. Of course, Hannah is always ready to go to Target with mama and loves to help shop!
I will end with this funny close up of Hannah - say 'Cheese'! I love this little girl!